Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28, 2013 8:03 AM

Querido Familia,

I have some tragic and comical news :) The email I have just been typing for the past 45 minutes just got randomly deleted. Some quirk with this computer . . . :( It's highly unfortunate seeing as It was very, very long. I am so sorry that this second email will be far shorter than my first :(

All is well here at the MTC! Many thanks again for the incredible packages and letters you have sent me!!!! As I wrote in my journal this week:

"Letters from home are a slice of heaven. Today, I literally felt as such, because Mom sent me a package with a loaf of bread inside, sliced to perfection, and complete with Apricot Jam. I shared the whole loaf with my district tonight, and everyone began exclaiming praises and hallelujah at the taste of homemade bread! Elder Hill began scheming how my family could start a business called the 'Boren Bakery," sell loaves for a dollar, and make 75% profit (since it costs mom roughly 25 cents to make a loaf). They all agreed that 2 years from now, we're having a bread party at my house! The sisters began exclaiming "No, in 18 months we're having one!" I suppose there'll be lots of bread making upon my return. Thanks be to my incredible, loving mother for her weekly packages brimming with scents and sights of home.

"Corey enclosed some incredible drawings that made me giggle and giggle and giggle - one was of a march 14th pi-day food fight, and oh, golly, a food fight indeed! His cartoon characters are slamming each other in the face with pies and wounded soldiers lie, creamed, on the ground. My companions and district sisters got a kick out of them! Thanks CJ! Earlier this week I received lots of written letters from the other boys - basketball is going so well for them, I'm so proud and excited for them!!

"Later today I had the opportunity to view some of the new short clips of the Savior's life on They are recent productions the church has filmed, and are beautifully crafted. I was particularly touched by the account of the Savior's time in Gethsemane. As I watched the Savior kindly wake peter, James, and John - after asking them but to remain awake and abide with him - I had a humbling thought. Sometimes when I read that scripture, I wonder why peter & James & John were so weak as to sleep when the Savior was atoning for them in the same moment. And then I thought to myself - how many times have I fallen asleep saying my prayers? How many times have I brushed away a spiritual prompting? How many times have I read my scriptures blankly, failing to search for answers when he strives to speak to me? Who has he needed me to bless, or talk to, or serve? Watching this depiction of the Savior's life, this moment in Gethsemane - made me want to never spiritually fall asleep again. I will not be perfect, but I want so desperately to be there for my Savior. To Serve & Live as he would have me do."

There's a little glimpse of my week, family. I'm sorry it's so short . . .technical difficulties!! Shout out to Dan & Jena for your amazing Easter goods, thank you for sending those. And KELSEY JENSON!!! GAAAH!!! Thanks so very much for the bread and candy! LOVE YOU! Jessica Henrie, by golly I am just tickled pink that you are serving in El Salvador! We will be spanish speaking buddies! To all who have sent me letters, thank you with all my heart. I am speedily striving to reply! We only have a few short hours on p-day!

Mom, if you could possibly get me Noelle Crandall's mailing address I would love it! I want to send her a thank you note! And Danielle Mecate, do you happen to have Andrea's mailing info?

Today is my 2nd to last P-day in the MTC. Our expected departure date is April 8th. It's looking like we will be reassigned to a state-side spanish-speaking mission, the Consulate from Argentina needs to come to Salt Lake before we can get our Visas. Yep, more Visa complications :) But I am simply excited to serve wherever! I'm filled with a testimony I cannot wait to share!

Love you all. God is Good, and he loves us! He does, he does!!!!! :) Look for him in your life.
Weekly scripture: Enos 1:4. If you hunger when you pray, and diligently search, your prayers WILL be answered!
Weekly Hymn: Press Forward Saints

Yo se que Jesu Cristo es my Salvador y Redentor! Hallelujah a su nombre!
Con Amor,
Hermana Boren

Thank you for everything. All my love, as always!

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